justice: environmental. economic. racial.
about the exhibition. acerca de la exposición.
This Pop Up Exhibition is a showcase of students’ work across our Performing, Visual, and Media Arts Career and Academic Pathway at SBCC. This focus of the 18th Annual All-SBCC Student Conference hosted by the SBCC Honors program is Justice: Environmental, Economic and Racial and the artists in this exhibition explored this subject in the pieces shared here. Students worked closely with faculty to create and articulate their body of work and this exhibition represents a capstone to their course of study, as well as their academic experience. The exhibition is available to view virtually due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and closure of the Santa Barbara City College campus. This pop up exhibition is the first virtual exhibition presenting students from across departments as part of our Guided Pathways work at SBCC.
Esta Exposición Temporal es un escaparate del trabajo de los estudiantes a través de nuestra Carrera de Artes Escénicas, Visuales y Medios de Comunicación y Vía Académica en SBCC. Este enfoque de la 18ª Conferencia Anual de Estudiantes organizada por el programa de Honores de SBCC es la Justicia: Ambiental, Económica y Racial y los artistas en esta exposición exploraron este tema en las piezas compartidas aquí. Los estudiantes trabajaron muy de cerca con la facultad para crear y articular su corpus de obra y esta exposición representa una culminación de su curso de estudio, así como su experiencia académica. La exposición se puede ver virtualmente debido a la continua pandemia de COVID-19 y al cierre del campus del Santa Barbara City College. Esta exposición temporal es la primera exposición virtual que presenta a los estudiantes de todos los departamentos como parte de nuestro trabajo de Vias Guiadas en SBCC.
Multimedia Arts and Technologies (MAT) 131: Digital Imaging I

Photography 109: Introduction to Photography

This is a black and white image showing a scale of justice on it's side, pointing to three hardback books with the pages pointing upwards

This is an image of the top half of a young woman standing at the beach. The sand, blue ocean, and pier are in the background with the American flag in the distance. The woman is holding a sign that reads "Sorry to bother, but it's time to ACT - greta thunberg". The woman is wearing a white sleeveles shirt and her mouth is open as though she is shouting, and her hair is flying across her face.

This is an image of a wall covered with lush green leaves. Centered on the wall is a vertical rectangular poster with the the word "Love" in red across the top, and the word "Heals" in green across the bottom. In the center is a person of color closed fist which is surrounded by colorful stripes of pink, blue, green, and purple.

This is a black and white image showing a scale of justice on it's side, pointing to three hardback books with the pages pointing upwards
Film Production 178: Documentary Film Making • Film Prouction 114: Non-Linear Editing I
"Speak Up"
by Felicia Bladh
"Death by Cop March"
by Madison McGovern
Addressing social issues through the art of editing and filmmaking is my way of educating the public and generating awareness. Police violence and systematic racism has existed for decades. The educational institution has failed at enlightening the youth of the historical racist truths of our nation, which is why I find so much value in art expression. My ‘Death By Cops March’ video features footage from 2015 and was edited before the Black Lives Matter Movement that has risen over this past year. The ending features a call for love and togetherness, however, having been exposed to countless more instances of police brutality and murders, I would like to state an alternate ending, one that calls for defunding the police. As a social justice activist, it is my obligation to elucidate the reality of police violence and illicit change and reform. It is a privilege to be a part of this pop up and participate in a project that exhibits art in its raw form. For more information regarding how you can contribute to the movement, go to blacklivesmatter.com
"Death by Cop March"
by Oliver Raner
"Death by Cop"
by Zayden Bates
Graphic Design 111: Introduction to Graphic Design
The Channels...
is Santa Barbara City College’s completely student-run news publication. Students enrolled in The Channels participate in a completely immersive, professional newsroom environment, publishing stories on a bi-weekly and breaking basis. The Channels prepares students for real-world reporting and writing, and many former staffers have gone on to work locally and across the world in the field of journalism.
Student journalism can have a profound effect in contributing to campus conversations, and reflecting the views of a younger generation on social issues. Here are a few examples of student work from current editor-in-chief, Ryan P. Cruz, covering topics ranging from justice to racial and economical equality.
Art 120: Fundamentals of Drawing
Journalism 121: The Channels: Reporting/Writing

Savannah Dryden
Artist's Statement:
My name is Savannah Dryden, and this is my final semester at SBCC before I transfer to UCSB. This is a graphite and charcoal piece that I made in my Fundamentals of Drawing class. I created this piece as an expression of mourning the nature that I have appreciated throughout my upbringing, which has now become exploited and industrialized.
Chicano Studies 113: Mexican American / Chicano Literature
"Symbols, Gaslighting, and Transitional Justice"
by Kathryn Lubahn

"I created my digital collage, Transitional Justice, while listening to the George Floyd trial. The defense kept informing us we shouldn’t trust our own eyes. This is called Gaslighting. “A form of intimidation or psychological abuse, where false information is presented to the victim, making them doubt their own memory, perception, and, quite often, their sanity”. I questioned where the acceptance of gaslighting came from within our judicial system. In my mind, I kept seeing our blindfolded Lady of Justice.
My first thought was justice was not really blind, just blindfolded. My second thought was, why would anyone rob another of their sight as a way to establish impartiality? There had to be another purpose for this blindfold. I thought of our shared western history. "
Ethnic Studies 103: The American Cultural Experience